Expanding the Holy Community Centenary Exhibition in Zürich
On a glorious sunny day , Saturday 12th September, an inspiring and informative display of posters was set up in an attractive area of Zürich. This was arranged in co-operation with Universal Peace Federation, Women’s Federation and Family Federation. The stand was located near the entrance to one of Zürich’s most popular department stores and also near a lovely park area, overlooked by a statue of the famous Swiss educator, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi.

The volunteers arrived at 7.30 to prepare the pavillon and make it welcoming for the many pedestrians who walked through this area.

Throughout the day many volunteers (around 18) came to help distribute leaflets, sweets and drinks to the passers-by and to encourage them to think about the world’s desperate need for peace. The posters and displays showed many projects which have been founded by Rev Sun Myung Moon and his wife Mrs Hak Ja Han Moon and also included their autobiographies, which were given to interested people.
It is hoped that the seeds of inspiration which were sown can take root , grow and blossom into a new generation of families who can participate in making a peaceful world. This is surely much-needed in a time when so much fear , confusion and deceit is being spread throughout the world , fuelled by disease, poverty and violence . It’s time for change and we want to show the way by telling others about our True Parents and Heavenly Parent who has never given up on His children and continues to reach out to all of us regardless of race, religion and ethnic background.
May these seeds flourish and grow into a beautiful garden of peace.
Many thanks to all who made this day possible, by investing time, energy and love in reaching out and expanding our Holy Community.