Family Federation Donates 300 Million Won in the Fight Against COVID-19

The following is an unofficial translation of an article shared on the JoongAng Ilbo. “It is time for all the Korean people to come together as one to overcome this.” The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, co-founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, donated 300 million won ($250,000 USD) to the Korean Red Cross in preventing the spread of the Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and...
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Reverend Moon: A 100-Year Legacy of Peace

NEW YORK, Jan. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Members of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (colloquially known as the "Unification Church") are commemorating the 100th birthday of their late founder, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, and his wife's, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, 77th birthday. Celebrations will be held in all 50 states of America, as well as five large regional gatherings,...
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World Clergy Leadership Conference Launches In America

Nearly a thousand religious leaders from around the world convened for the first World Clergy Leadership Conference (WCLC) convocation in New York City on December 27. The two-day peace conference, spearheaded by Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) co-founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, united Christian leaders and welcomed religious guests from across the U.S. and spanning Asia,...
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Swisse Campaign “Peace start with Me …”

This was the 4th in the series of «Peace begins with me» events , which have been held around Switzerland in recent months. This time the venue was at the beautiful location of Lassalle Haus in Bad Schönbrunn. It is a centre for Christian activities and Zen meditation. Seeing the wonderful view from the hill where the buildings are situated , it is easy to imagine spending time there as a...
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Peace start with ME … and my family

As a continuation of the Swiss Family Campaign, which began this spring at the World Council of Churches in Geneva, on July 7, 2019 was held in Zurich an inter-religious meeting entitled: “Peace starts with ME … & with my family”. The event was organized by FFWPU, UPF, Freiburg Peace Forum, WFWP and featured the interventions of four major faith leaders and two ECOSOC NGOs. The aim was...
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Family Project

Our family seminars are focusing on the understanding of the essence of a healthy family centered on universal values. In an interactive setting are we able to understand each other better, to find the resources for our daily lifes and we are coming to understand of how to deepen our relationships on a long term bases. Communication is most important in a healthy family; we are training our...
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The three stage of human life

Our life does not start with the first breath, nor does it end with the last. Every human life passes through three stages The embryonic stageThe eartly stageThe spiritual stage We invite you to deepen and discuss with us Sunday 5 May 2019 from 3 pm to 5 pm Ofenhalle Wehntalerstrasse 634; 8046 Zurich
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